Selling your business may be the biggest financial decision you will ever make. Transition 360 is here to help you navigate this often confusing and sometimes difficult process, with the least amount of stress as possible, on your way to a successful closure. However, you will have questions and we are here to help.
Selling Your Business Raises Lots of Questions
Why should you use a Business Broker to sell your business?
Why does someone use a CPA or an attorney or an ear nose and throat surgeon?…
Time, Expertise, Advise, Liability
Why should Transition 360 Business Brokers be my first choice?
Experience and Reputation stick out in this industry more than almost any other. Partnership with client, attention to detail, comprehensive transaction design, integrity, ethics…
How is my business for sale kept confidential?
This is an expertise. Blind copies, Overviews, NDA & Non-Piracy agreements.
How will my business be advertised?
Word of Mouth, Online, Trade Journals, Associations, Past Buyer Pool Education, Secret Man Caves…
How do I know how much my business is worth?
A thorough current Market Research and Business Valuation is performed.
How long will it take to sell my business?
Every business is different. Average being 16 months on the market currently.
Will Buyers be visiting my business?
Yes. In an organized, pre-approved, process that vets and prioritizes candidates before an owner ever meets them.
How do Buyers write offers to buy my business?
Buyers will submit a Letter of Intent or a Term Sheet signifying the initial steps of due diligence and leading to a legal Purchase and Sale Agreement.
Who will handle all the inquiry calls on the sale of my business?
Transition360 will mediate inquiries, answer questions and qualify all candidates.
Who will handle the negotiations on the sale of my business?
We do not negotiate. Just kidding. Well. . . Not really. Just seeing if anyone is reading this.
How long will I have to train the person who buys my business?
Business transition training can take from 30 days to years. Each business is different depending on complexities, dependencies and terms written into the Purchase and Sale agreement.
Will I need to finance part of the purchase price of the business?
Yes. You will most likely need to carry a 10-15% note depending on where the buyers financing comes from.
When should I notify my employees that I am selling the business?
Every corporate culture is different and should be approached differently. This should be a well planned part of the transition process.
Will Transition 360 qualify the Buyer by checking their credit?
Transition360 requires a financial statement from each buyer before qualifying them.