It’s taken me ten years to realize that I’ll likely never fill the shoes of Bill Pearsall, the founder of Transition360. Bill has a bit of a godfather look to him with the silver hair slipping out the sides of his Homberg or Fedora, depending on the deal. His style and etiquette are unmistakably that of a gentleman in every situation. His choice of words, nearly always positive and spoken in a timely and intentional fashion aimed to educate and empower whoever he speaks with.
Bill’s understanding and ability to manage the combination of issues that need each other in order to consummate a successful exit strategy is invaluable.
Regardless who is around the table: attorneys, CPAs, Financial Planners, Escrow or Insurance agents and consultants; Bill brought business ownership transition experience from decades of closely held and family owned company mergers and acquisitions that helped everyone around the table.
Because of Bill, Transition360 has become more and more successful. In Q1 of 2019, the company will help a half dozen clients have the choice to ride off into the sunset, sit on the beach in Hawaii or pick an adventure off their bucket list. Each owner has had a very different journey through the process of preparing, presenting and closing. They each deserve their own case study.
Over the next few months I’d like to share a bit of the struggle and success of each transition. It may offer some light at the end of the tunnel for those wondering how and when to get started preparing a strategy or heading to market.
Founding, building, running and transitioning a successful business requires a plan. Bill designed and implemented his own transition plan. This isn’t to say it was easy to execute or that it didn’t change along the way but I can now say that in addition to helping other business owners’ value, prepare, and sell their companies, I’ve got some real personal experience. Yes….. been there, done that.
Bill, your legacy is the insight and processes you’ve shared with us and the business owners you’ve successfully led through your process. The system you built will allow many more owners to make what is usually a painstaking process, the most exciting and successful event since starting their business. Thanks for sharing your wisdom Bill!
Onward and Upward,
Tod Fiscus – Principal
Please contact us today for more information about the Transition360 process.
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